Surrepticious Sketching

I wish I wasn’t such a wimp: I like to draw. I need to draw. But I don’t like being seen drawing. This tends to mean I take a small, palm sized sketchbook with me and scribble away, trying not to be noticed.
Good Points: I learned to sketch pretty fast. And from odd viewpoints.  They are natural, not posed.
Bad Points: There’s so many people I see and think, ‘Oh I’d love to draw them.’ I like faces with character, rounded bodies, clothes that are either droopy or bursting tight. I like the lines they make. I like to draw people pulling shopping trolleys, holding toddlers, clinging to the bus rails, playing instruments, singing… But I miss my chance.
The Horrible Moment: When I’m drawing someone and they suddenly notice and register that I’m drawing them! I feel awful. There seems to be this terrible “I know that you know what I’m doing…thing and then they get distracted by the idea of being drawn and it all goes pear-shaped and I have to stop. Anyway, here’s some more surrepticious sketching done this week:
DrawingdrawingdrawingdrawingThe Ceilidh: (Music by The Beech Band)… The Friends of Ghyll Head raised £133 for Ghyll Head Outdoor Education Centre.

6 thoughts on “Surrepticious Sketching”

  1. I know how you feel. For me, art is a solitary endeavour. I become more conscious of my surroundings and how my presence effects them when people are around then concentrating on the piece I’m working on.

    I love working en plein air, but eventually someone comes along and notices me working, and then my focus is gone. It takes quite a bit of time to regain it, so I choose my locations very carefully.


  2. Oh Julie I am the same. I just joined an art society and they have life drawing sessions and portraiture and still life etc etc but I can’t perform in front of others. And when I do I hide away in a corner. What’s with that??? I take photos and draw in my studio where no one can see hehehe. I was even like that and uni. I did most of my work at home. I must over come this as it holds me back. Thanks for bringing this topic up. It reminds me to work on my fears.


  3. Know what you mean, Julie. I get embarrassed just being with R when he is taking photos, especially when he surreptitiously photographs interesting people- feels weird and I have to carry on walking lol


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